Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chesterbrook 08-09 Year Over?

I truely can not believe this school year is over! We had an awsome year! Check out the "Year In Review" video. It makes me cry. Enjoy!

Girls Are Just The Best

Don't get me wrong, as the mom of 2 fabulous, smart, not to mention handsome boys, I love them more than life itself...but...I must confess, I love photographing girls. The "girlie" in me gets to come out and play, which is rare in my house. Jessica is such a sweet heart. We shot her First Communion photos last month and she was such a champ! She attends the same school as my kids and every time she sees me, she runs and gives me a huge loving hug, all because I took her pictures...Can't beat that, no way, no how.
I love my job.